Wuyi Big Red Robe PREMIUM | Wu Yi Da Hong Pao Te Ji - Option: 1 kg

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216 € incl. VAT

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Our Da Hong Pao has a balanced Wuyi Rock character with a good degree of the classic mineral ‘Rock’ taste. The dark twisted leaves have a distinctive roasted aroma. They produce a dark amber liquor and we always find that this tea is best after about 6-12 months rest from production date to allow the flavour to mellow and balance. The taste of this Da Hong Pao is brisk, mineral, with soothing roasted flavours. There are lightly sweet, floral notes, a touch of maltiness and a nice savoury and lightly metallic edge on the aftertaste. We also detect the slightest hint of tobacco on the very top notes! More

Our Da Hong Pao has a balanced Wuyi Rock character with a good degree of the classic mineral ‘Rock’ taste. The dark twisted leaves have a distinctive roasted aroma. They produce a dark amber liquor and we always find that this tea is best after about 6-12 months rest from production date to allow the flavour to mellow and balance. The taste of this Da Hong Pao is brisk, mineral, with soothing roasted flavours. There are lightly sweet, floral notes, a touch of maltiness and a nice savoury and lightly metallic edge on the aftertaste. We also detect the slightest hint of tobacco on the very top notes!

Wuyi Shan has three main areas of tea production. The main core area is known as Zhengyan 正岩, while the two peripheral areas are known as Banyan 半岩 and Zhoucha 洲茶. The teas from Banyan are also known as half-rock teas and they closely match the quality of the core area Zhengyan teas. They represent a great combination of value and tradition.

Form loose tea
Country of origin China
Province Fujian
Location Wuyishan, Dashuikeng 大水坑
Cultivar Da Hong Pao 大红袍
From seeds Yes