Sencha Shizuoka Yabukita | Chumushi Nibancha - Option: Sample 15 g

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Sencha Nibancha is a quality tea from the second harvest, with a good quality to price ratio. In Japan it is considered an everyday tea, defined by its pleasant floral aroma, light astringency typical of Japanese tea, and its full, dominant flavour. More

Sencha Nibancha is a quality tea from the second harvest, with a good quality to price ratio. In Japan it is considered an everyday tea, defined by its pleasant floral aroma, light astringency typical of Japanese tea, and its full, dominant flavour.

The second Japanese tea harvest, known as Nibancha, takes place in Uji (Kyoto district) from the end of June to the end of July. In Uji tea is harvested throughout the second harvest (Nibancha), whereas teas from the Shizuoka or Kagoshima regions for example are harvested in the third (Sanbancha) or even fourth harvest (Yonbancha). The reason for this is the different climatic conditions. Generally speaking, Nibancha tea harvested in June or July is not as delicate or sweet as Ichibancha (tea from the first harvest). Ichibancha patiently absorbs nutrients from the previous autumn throughout the entire winter until the spring, while by contrast Nibancha grows rapidly, immediately after the first harvest in May, for a period of approximately one and a half months, which defines its properties and typical summer freshness.

Form loose tea
Country of origin Japan
Location Kansai, Uji 宇治
Processing Chumushi 中蒸し
Cultivar Yabukita やぶきた