Yamabuki-Nadeshiko 山吹撫子 is the only fermented Japanese tea. It is named after two flowers: the Kerria japonica and the Dianthus superbus. It evokes images of floral fragrance and feminine beauty.The process of fermentation used here is reminiscent of the fermentation of Pu Er tea. This tea is the product of several years of expert research into processes of fermentation with the Japanese alcoholic rice beverage Sake by Denbei Kawamura. More
Yamabuki-Nadeshiko 山吹撫子 is the only fermented Japanese tea. It is named after two flowers: the Kerria japonica and the Dianthus superbus. It evokes images of floral fragrance and feminine beauty. The process of fermentation used here is reminiscent of the fermentation of Pu Er tea. This tea is the product of several years of expert research into processes of fermentation with the Japanese alcoholic rice beverage Sake by Denbei Kawamura, who applied the process of fermentation of Sake (Awamori) to tea. It is a “microorganism-controlled fermented tea”. So it’s a special type of dark tea. As opposed to other dark teas, the process starts in a sterilized room and in such a manner that only the koji mold (Aspergillus oryzae) ferments the tea leaves. Koji is quite an important fungus in China and Japan. It is used in sake, miso and soy sauce.
Yamabuki nadeshiko is richer in catechins than other dark teas, has two new polyphenols: teadenol A and teadenol B, and also contains gallic acid and citric acid.
In terms of taste, the experienced tongue will detect liquorice, caramel, malt, plums, all enveloped in a flavour of fine liqueur. Professor Kawamura considers this tea beneficial to health, primarily for adults with diabetes. The tea contains markedly less caffeine than regular green tea.

Post-fermented Teas Hei Cha 黑茶
Dark tea (Hei Cha 黑茶) is post-fermented tea, which means that after the tea leaves are oxidized after harvesting, they undergo accelerated controlled fermentation. For accelerated fermentation, the wet layering process ((Wo Dui 渥堆) is most often used, when biochemical reactions occur under the influence of microorganisms. In oxidation, biochemical reactions occur when interacting with atmospheric oxygen and typically last for several hours. The fermentation process can take several hours to several months, but can then continue without limitation for decades.
Alternative products2

Goishicha - Japanese Fermented Tea from Kochi Prefecture
16,96 € excl. VAT

2020 Ishizuchi Kurocha - Japanese Fermented Tea from Ehime Prefecture
33,04 € excl. VAT