Darjeeling Niroulla FTGFOP1 SF Autumn Delight - Option: 500 g

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66 €

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Autumnal tea from a small organic garden in Darjeeling, which is with reason named Autumn Delight. Autumnal teas are less floral and delicate than the opening flushes, autumn flavors tend to be more deeply fruity, with notes of ripe grapes and berries. This is the kind of tea where you can get body. As tea masters from Darjeeling say, "If there is one word I would use to characterize these teas, it would be well-balanced“. The teas have no sharpness, bite or astringency that typifies first and second flush teas. More

Autumnal tea from a small organic garden in Darjeeling, which is with reason named Autumn Delight. Autumnal teas are less floral and delicate than the opening flushes, autumn flavors tend to be more deeply fruity, with notes of ripe grapes and berries. This is the kind of tea where you can get body. As tea masters from Darjeeling say, "If there is one word I would use to characterize these teas, it would be well-balanced“. The teas have no sharpness, bite or astringency that typifies first and second flush teas.

Situated in the mystical hills of Himalayas, located at around 10km from Ghoom railway station, surrounded by a beautiful tea garden in the south and a magnificent reserve forest area with diverse flora and fauna towards the north. Niroulla’s Tea Farm is presently a micro tea processing unit of organically grown Darjeeling tea initiated to deliver quality and healthy orthodox tea to tea lovers looking for the right blend of taste and health. "We are farmers who worship the goddess humble tea bushes and who believe in brewing the finest tea the world has ever sipped." Niroulla’s Tea Farm produces premium high quality orthodox Darjeeling Tea, which is bio-organically home grown by a small group of dedicated local farmers of Darjeeling, using a time-testing method to capture the full flavour, original taste and aroma.

In 2000, an ardent tea lover Mr. Bikram Niroula from Chota Pubung Busty, initiated and planted the first Camellia Sinensis in a small area in a bio organic way as a hobby straight from the heart. His devotion and fascination for high grade quality tea grew instantly. His small tea farm nurtured carefully hand-grown finest tea crafted with sheer love and joy for pure organic tea. Tea growers were deprived of getting benefit under the terms and conditions of big tea gardens due to absence of the factory of their own and they were bargained and deprived of the real price of the green tea leaves. His and small farmers relentless pleading and negotiation with major tea gardens players continued for better pricing of tea leaves failed time and again.

In 2014 Bhawesh Niroula, a young dynamic entrepreneur and present owner, realised the importance to cater the finest high grade quality of Darjeeling tea to the world and his foresightedness saw the potential that this small farm had. Thus, following his father’s footsteps, he realised that the magic of Camellia Sinensis and took Niroulla’s Tea Farm further ahead and changed the scenario of small farmers who had to abide by the terms and conditions of the big tea plantations. He revolutionised the Darjeeling tea scenario by being the only first “local boy (gorkhali) small farmer” in 200 years to own and open an indigenous mini tea processing unit in Darjeeling.

Form loose tea
Country of origin India
Location Darjeeling, Niroulla