2021 Matai Ancient Tree Sheng Pu-erh | Ma Tai Sheng Pu Er - Cake 357 g - Option: Sample 15 g

Matai is a small village located in Lincang, very close to Lan Cang River, which separates the two Yunnan regions Pu Er and Lincang. Isolated and quiet, somehow far from business efforts of tea merchants, it allows you to enjoy old tea trees in private. The tea trees grow naturally without any pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Rocky soil provides the trees with minerals which is very important for a deep taste of a tea liquer. The taste is strong but it evolves into a long sweet aftertaste. It is very puer without any disturbing elements. You can drink it fresh but it is also very good for aging. More
There are many good quality sheng pu-erh teas in Yunnan, from Xishuangbanna, Pu Er, Lincang to Baoshan and Dehong. But if you ask which tea garden gives a real tea person the best overall feeling and satisfaction, the answer would be Matai 马台. Matai is a small village located in Lincang, very close to Lan Cang River, which separates the two Yunnan regions Pu Er and Lincang. Isolated and quiet, somehow far from business efforts of tea merchants, it allows you to enjoy old tea trees in private. The place keeps a low profile, it is not as famous as Lao Bang Zhang, Yi Wu, Jing Mai, Bing Dao or Xi Gui... and maybe thanks to that it keeps its magical old time atmosphere. It is a treasure for real tea people.
There are many tea gardens in China, but only three tea locations are dominated by a very rocky terrain. They are Wuyi of Fujian, Feng Huang Shan of Chaozhou, and Matai of Yunnan. Wuyi Rock Tea and Feng Huang Dan Cong are Top Ten Famouse Chinese teas, while Matai Cha still keeps a low profile. The main part of Matai old tea garden was built around two hundred years ago at altitude of 1650 m. At night, humid air of Lancang river goes up to the tea garden, forming cloud and mist. In the day time, the south-faced garden is fully exposed to sunshine. The tea trees grow naturally without any pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Rocky soil provides the trees with minerals which is very important for a deep taste of a tea liquer. The taste is strong but it evolves into a long sweet aftertaste. It is very puer without any disturbing elements. You can drink it fresh but it is also very good for aging.
Form | cake (bing) 357 g |
Country of origin | China |
Province | Yunnan |
Location | Lincang, Matai 马台 |
Cultivar | Da Ye Zhong 大叶种 |
Wild | Yes |
Age of tea trees | 350+ |
Altitude | 1650 m |
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