Tsuyucha つゆ茶 is a way of drinking Asahina Gyokuro that allows you to fully enjoy it. The name is a combination of the words "Tsuyu" (dew) and "to you" and is currently a registered trademark of the Fujieda City Tea Promotion Council. Using special tea utensils and lukewarm water, this method of drinking gyokuro, which is known as a high-quality tea, brings out the sweetness and umami of the tea to the fullest. Drinking the first brew at a low temperature allows you to enjoy the characteristics of gyokuro to the fullest. Also, by changing the amount of water, temperature, and brewing time, you can enjoy different flavors with the same leaves.

  1. Place about 3 g of tea leaves in a cup with a lid.
  2. Pour about 20 ml of hot water into the cooler (yuzamashi) and let it cool to about 40 °C.
  3. Gently pour the cooled water around the tea leaves on the inside of the cup.
  4. Cover the cup with a lid and wait for about two and a half minutes.
  5. Holding the cup in your left hand, move the lid slightly without removing it and sip the nectar that flows from the gap between the cup and the lid. The leaves must remain in the cup.
  6. For the second infusion, proceed as for the first, but use approximately 30 ml of water and raise the temperature slightly. Infuse for about 1 minute.
  7. For the third infusion, use about 35-40 ml of water and the temperature should be around 55°C. Infuse for 1-2 minutes.
  8. Eat your Gyokuro. Gyokuro tea leaves are soft and edible. You can make them even tastier by adding ponzu sauce and bonito flakes to your taste.

Ponzu Sauce ポン酢 - Citrus Soy Sauce
Dried bonito flakes - Katsuobushi 鰹節 - steamed, smoked and fermented skipjack tuna