How to prepare delicious Chai Masala at home?

Hi, I'm Stela and I want to show you how I make my favorite Indian Chai Masala at home. The preparation is really simple and in 20 minutes there is nothing to do. The resulting amount of drink in my case will be about 1.5 liters for the whole family and for this I need about 30 g of Chai Masala tea blend. Next, I will prepare the milk, the fatter it is, the tastier the resulting tea will be, and since Masala is a sweet drink, I will also prepare sweetened condensed milk. Of course, as a sweetener you can use whatever suits you, e.g. brown sugar, but with condensed milk, the Masala will be much creamier and tastier.
You don't need to laboriously experiment with blending black tea and Indian spices, because Good Tea has a Chai Masala tea blend already fine-tuned. You can find the link below the text.
Get a pot with a volume of approximately 2 liters and pour about 1 liter of water into it. Bring it to a boil and pour the prepared tea into it. The second option is to preheat 1 liter of water in a kettle and pour it hot into the pot over the tea leaves. Bring the water to a boil. Choose the procedure that is easier for you, or faster. Allow the tea blend to boil gently for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. We want to get the most out of the tea leaves and Indian spices, but at the same time we want to evaporate as little water as possible.
After 10 minutes of gentle boiling, pour approximately 0.5 liters of milk into the tea. As already said, the fatter the milk, the tastier the resulting drink. Stir thoroughly, bring to a boil again and let it cook at a gentle boil for another 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly.
Prepare a strainer and a container into which we will pour the contents of the pot. After 5-10 minutes of boiling, pour the contents of the pot into the prepared container. We could pour directly into the teapot from which we will serve, but I recommend using a different container, ideally an ordinary glass teapot, as we will need to sweeten the tea with condensed milk, which may not always turn out completely clean. Although we will dirty another piece of dishes, the final drink will go into the kettle for serving.
Now all that remains is to sweeten our milky tea drink. You can use a sweetener of your choice, e.g. brown sugar, but as I already wrote, sweetened condensed milk is ideal, because it turns the resulting drink into a thick, creamy delicacy, which is not missing anything at all. If you read our article on how to make Hong Kong milk tea, you found out that even in Hong Kong they use the condensed milk. After all, you can try it with or without it and make up your own mind. To sweeten 1.5 liters of our tea, I added 3 full tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk.
Chai Masala is a treat mainly for the cold season, but you might be surprised how tasty it is cold in the Summer with ice. Enjoy! :-)
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